Wednesday, October 02nd, 2019.
San Sebastian
- 08:00 - 09:00
Registration & Welcome Coffee
- 09:00 - 10:00
Keynote Speaker: Johannes Ziegler
Title: Learning-to-read and dyslexia: a cross-language computational perspective
- 10:00 - 11:45
Invited Symposium: How bilinguals decode words: A grain size investigation
Organizer: Manon Jones (Bangor University)
10:10 - 10:35
Grain size accomodation in bilingual reading in alphabetic orthographies- Marie Lallier
- 11:45 - 12:15
Coffee Break
- 12:15 - 13:15
Oral Session 1
12:15 - 12:35
The influence of orthographic depth on brain activation during reading: a meta-analysis of universal and orthography-specific effects
Fabio Richlan, Anna Martin & Martin Kronbichler
12:35 - 12:55
Cross-linguistic modulation of reading processes in bilingual adults
Marie-Josèphe Tainturier & Joshua Payne
12:55 - 13:15
Japanese-English bilinguals with monolingual dyslexia in English: Case studies of postgraduate art college students
Noriko Haruhara, Akira Uno, Qona Rankin & Taeko Wydell
- 13:15 - 14:15
Lunch time
- 14:15 - 15:30
[PS-1.1] The effects of language proficiency on word recognition in people with dyslexia Mahmoud Elsherif, Linda Wheeldon & Steven Frisson
[PS-1.2] Thematic Knowledge Organization in Typically Developed Readers and Poor Comprehenders Alexandra Schmitterer & Garvin Brod
[PS-1.3] Copying skills of children with and without dyslexia Elise Blampain & Marie Van Reybroeck
[PS-1.4] Investigating the relationship between spelling and handwriting: longitudinal evidence from French-speaking primary school children Claire Gosse & Marie Van Reybroeck
[PS-1.5] Verbatim and Gist memory in Developmental Dyslexia-Pathomechanisms and Compensatory Mechanisms of Dyslexia Micha? Obidzi?ski
[PS-1.6] Early Predictors for Reading Comprehension Difficulties among Israeli Arabic-Native Speaking Pupils in Fourth Grade Bahaa Makhoul
[PS-1.7] The ecologically valid measurement of prospective memory impairments in adults with developmental dyslexia Charles Mensah, James Smith-Spark & Alexander Marchant
[PS-1.8] Everyday cognitive failures are independently predicted by self-reports of dyslexia and ADHD symptomatology James Smith-Spark, Alexander Marchant, Stella Mearns, Luke Mckeand & Arezo Zohor Rahimi
[PS-1.9] The lived experience of memory in adults with dyslexia James Smith-Spark & Elisa G. Lewis
[PS-1.10] Morphological representations in pre-school children with and without familial risk for dyslexia Natalia Louleli, Jarmo Hämäläinen, Lea Nieminen, Tiina Parviainen & Paavo Leppänen
[PS-1.11] Does handwriting learning experience facilitate visual letter recognition? Evidence from eye-movements Dinis Catronas, Alexandra Reis, Luís Faísca, Tânia Fernandes & Susana Araújo
[PS-1.12] Dyslexia in adulthood in different orthographic systems: A review and meta-analysis Alexandra Reis, Susana Araújo, Inês Salomé & Luís Faísca
[PS-1.13] Comparing the Dual Route Cascaded (DRC) model of visual word recognition and reading aloud to human behavior: The case of Greek Efthymia Kapnoula, Athanassios Protopapas, Steven Saunders & Max Coltheart
[PS-1.14] Length Effect in English Participants with Developmental Dyslexia Serena Provazza, Daniel Roberts, David Giofre & Anne-Marie Adams
[PS-1.15] Cross-linguistic differences in developing readers' multi-letter processing abilities in the RAN and VA span tasks Alexia Antzaka, Clara Martin, Sendy Caffarra, Sophie Schlöffel, Manuel Carreiras & Marie Lallier
[PS-1.16] Sources of individual differences in foreign language attainment of children with poor literacy skills Alexa von Hagen, Nicole Stadie, Serje Robidoux & Saskia Kohnen
[PS-1.17] The lexical categorization model: A computational model of left ventral occipito-temporal cortex activation in visual word recognition Benjamin Gagl, Fabio Richlan, Philipp Ludersdorfer, Jona Sassenhagen, Susanne Eisenhauer, Klara Gregorova & Christian J. Fiebach
[PS-1.18] Underlying Mechanisms of Attention on Reading Comprehension in Dyslexia and Neurofibromatosis type 1 Maëlle Biotteau, Elodie Tournay, Eloise Baudou, Sandrine Lelong, Stéphanie Iannuzzi, Nathalie Faure-Marie, Elisabeth Schweitzer, Diana Rodriguez, Isabelle Kemlin, Nathalie Dorison, François Rivier, Maryline Carneiro, Elodie Preclaire, Sébastien Barbarot, Pierre Castelneau, Valérie Lauwers-Cancès & Yves Chaix
[PS-1.19] Orthographic learning of new words: from looking to memorizing Emilie Ginestet, Marie-Line Bosse, Julien Diard & Sylviane Valdois
- 15:30 - 16:30
Oral Session 2
15:30 - 15:50
Efficacy of RAN Training in Children with Dyslexia: Behavioral and Brain Correlates
Caroline Vander Stappen & Marie Van Reybroeck
15:50 - 16:10
Modeling orthographic learning of new words in BRAID, a Bayesian model of visual word recognition
Emilie Ginestet, Sylviane Valdois & Julien Diard
16:10 - 16:30
Visual crowding effects in typical and dyslexic readers
Magdalena ?uniewska, Marta Wójcik & Katarzyna Jednoróg
- 16:30 - 17:30
Keynote Speaker: Charles Perfetti
Title: Is Dyslexia the same across languages and writing systems?
Thursday, October 03rd, 2019.
San Sebastián
- 09:00 - 10:00
Keynote Speaker: Ludo Verhoeven
- 10:00 - 11:45
Invited Symposium:L2 word processing in late bilinguals
Organizer: Séverine Casalis (Lille University)
10:10 - 10:35
L2 word recognition in late bilinguals: impact of modality and transfer effects
Severine Casalis, Camile Cornut & Gwendoline Mahé
10:35 - 11:00
Effect of neighbourhood and markedness in bilingual visual word recognition
Eva Commissaire
11:00 - 11:25
Disentangling the role of deviant letterīs position on cognate word processing in different bilingual population
Montserrat Comesaña
- 11:45 - 12:15
Coffee break
- 12:15 - 13:15
Oral Session 3
12:15 - 12:35
Foreign language attainment of children/adolescents with poor literacy skills: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Alexa von Hagen, Saskia Kohnen & Nicole Stadie
12:35 - 12:55
Orthographic influences on spoken word recognition in a shallow orthography in native speakers and second language learners
Stefanie Tuerk & Ulrike Domahs
12:55 - 13:15
Working memory profile differs in dyslexia with or without associated developmental coordination disorder.
Stéphanie Maziero, Jessica Tallet, Stéphanie Bellocchi, Marianne Jover, Yves Chaix & Mélanie Jucla
- 13:15 - 14:15
Lunch Time
- 14:15 - 15:30
[PS-2.1] Music and Dyslexia: Extension Music Training Paradigm to Chinese Language Xiaoxia Sun , Uwe Seifert & Barbara Tillmann
[PS-2.2] Orthographic consistency effect: Evidence at the phonemic level Alberto Furgoni, Antje Stoehr, Florent Duême & Clara Martin
[PS-2.3] The issue of compound segmentation for poor readers of German Sandra Pappert & Bettina M. Bock
[PS-2.4] Neural effects of a tablet-based intervention in pre-readers at risk for dyslexia Maria Economou, Femke Vanden Bempt, Shauni Van Herck, Toivo Glatz, Jolijn Vanderauwera, Pol Ghesquière, Jan Wouters & Maaike Vandermosten
[PS-2.5] Improving reading skills at school through a rhythmic-musical intervention Francesca Novella & Alessio Surian
[PS-2.6] Language structure and reading strategies adopted by normal and dyslexic readers in an inconsistent orthography: an eye-tracking study Catherine Antalek, Dr. Bianca de Haan & Professor Taeko Wydell
[PS-2.7] Implications of visuo-attentional and lexico-phonological mechanisms in dyslexia Marjolaine Cohen, Pascal Zesiger & Marina Laganaro
[PS-2.8] The effect of syntactic, vocabulary, and monitoring interventions on accuracy and eye movements in reading comprehension Marta Valdés-Coronel, Francisco Javier Moreno Pérez, Isabel Reyes Rodríguez-Ortiz, Ian Craig Simpson & David Saldaña
[PS-2.9] In search of the cognitive profile of preschoolers at risk for dyslexia and ADHD Silke Kellens, Dieter Baeyens & Pol Ghesquière
[PS-2.10] Periodogram Connectivity of EEG Signals for the Detection of Dyslexia Francisco J. Martinez-Murcia, Andrés Ortiz, Juan L. Luque, Almudena Giménez, Pedro J. López-Pérez & Miguel López-Zamora
[PS-2.11] Dyslexia and the role of phonotactics Maja Peretic, Ana Matic, Marijan Palmovic & Melita Kovacevic
[PS-2.12] How alliteration influences conceptual-attentional interactions in poor and typical readers Ciara Egan, Guillaume Thierry & Manon Jones
[PS-2.13] Do auditory deficits in children at cognitive risk for dyslexia benefit from preventive intervention? Shauni Van Herck, Toivo Glatz, Astrid De Vos, Tilde Van Hirtum, Maaike Vandermosten, Pol Ghesquière & Jan Wouters
[PS-2.14] GraphoGame Flemish: a computerized literacy training for children at cognitive risk for dyslexia Toivo Glatz, Femke Vanden Bempt, Jolijn Vanderauwera, Maria Economou, Maaike Vandermosten, Jan Wouters & Pol Ghesquière
[PS-2.15] How dyslexic and typical readers spell an orthographically ambiguous phonological pattern: the influence of implicit learning Filomena Inácio, Alexandra Reis, Marina Ponte, Dinis Catronas & Luís Faísca
[PS-2.16] Phoneme detection in dyslexic and typically developing children: evidence from Russian Svetlana V. Dorofeeva, Victoria Reshetnikova, Margarita Serebryakova, Anna Laurinavichute, Anna Artemova, Daria Goranskaya, Tatyana V. Akhutina & Olga Dragoy
[PS-2.17] Cross-modal effects of sentence context on visual word recognition in adults Catherine Clark, Sara Guediche & Marie Lallier
[PS-2.18] The effects of a preventive reading intervention on cognitive-linguistic skills in pre-readers at risk for dyslexia Femke Vanden Bempt, Jolijn Vanderauwera, Toivo Glatz, Maria Economou, Shauni Van Herck, Jan Wouters, Maaike Vandermosten & Pol Ghesquière
[PS-2.19] Developmental of perceptual temporal processing during school age Claudia Vásquez, Adelina Estévez, Gustavo Ramírez, Mercedes Muñeton & Mª Rosario Ortiz
[PS-2.20] Central and peripheral visual function in Developmental Dyslexia Douglas de Araújo Vilhena, Márcia Reis Guimarães, Ricardo Queiroz Guimarães & Ângela Maria Vieira Pinheiro
[PS-2.21] A Multiple Risk Factor study on the Prediction of Reading Learning Difficulties for Spanish Children Ages 4-7 and 5-8 Juan L. Luque, Andrés Ortiz, María A. Cobo, Almudena Giménez, Pedro J. López-Pérez, Miguel López-Zamora & Auxiladora Sánchez
- 15:30 - 16:30
Oral Session 4
15:30 - 15:50
Novel word learning in children at family risk for dyslexia
Marina Kalashnikova, Usha Goswami & Denis Burnham
15:50 - 16:10
Envelope Enhancement as a method to normalize speech perception by children with dyslexia
Tilde Van Hirtum, Pol Ghesquière & Jan Wouters
16:10 - 16:30
Impaired access to phonological representations in dyslexia: New insight from ERPs in picture and letter naming tasks
Gwendoline Mahé, Pascal Zesiger & Marina Laganaro
- 16:30 - 17:30
Keynote Speaker: Karin Landerl