[PS-2.1] Music and Dyslexia: Extension Music Training Paradigm to Chinese Language

Sun , X. . 1, 2, 3 , Seifert, U. 1 & Tillmann, B. . 2

1 Cologne University
2 Lyon Neuroscience Research Center
3 Nanjing Normal University

Numerous arguments in literature support musical training can enhance linguistic skills of children with dyslexia. This positive effect has been reported from alphabetic languages, such as French (e.g., Bedoin et al. 2016, 2017; Habib et al, 2016; Przybylski et al. 2013;), German (e.g., Kotz and Gunter 2015), Greek (e.g., Katsarou, 2018), and English (e.g., Chern, Tillmann et al., 2018).

Contrasted to these alphabetic writing systerms, Chinese is a logographic language. Furthermore, it is characterized as a tone language, and as a distinctive hierachical structure language. Extending music training paradigm to Chinese dyslexia population undoubtedly can refine our understanding on cognitive and neurobiological mechanism of developmental dyslexia.

This paper provides a review and critique of music training in cross-linguisitc studies of developmental dyslexia. In addition, it argues why Chinese dyslexia has a special position in the view of orthography, phonology, syntax and their processing in Chinese brain. Finally, it includes an analysis of state-of-the-art functional neuroanatomical models of developmental dyslexia together with specific predictions of music training on Chinese dyslexia based on these models.