Wednesday, May 29th, 2013. Palacio Miramar, Donostia - San Sebastian
- 17:00 - 20:00
- Registration and materials pack delivery
Thursday, May 30th, 2013. Palacio Miramar, Donostia - San Sebastian
- 08:00 - 08:45
- Registration & Welcome coffee
- 08:45 - 09:00
- Conference welcome by Manuel Carreiras, BCBL Director
- 09:00 - 10:30
- Debate 1. CONFERENCIA SEPEX. Results and non-results in the neuroimaging of dyslexia (Franck Ramus & Heinz Wimmer). Chair: Angela Fawcett Franck Ramus & Heinz Wimmer
- 10:30 - 11:00
- Coffee break
- 11:00 - 12:00
- Talk Session 1
11:00 - 11:20 [TS-1.1] Generalisation of untrained irregular words in spelling
Saskia Kohnen, Lyndsey Nickels, Kristina Barisic, Kaitlin Moore, Yvette Kezilas, Trudy Krajenbrink & Danielle Colenbrander
11:20 - 11:40 [TS-1.2] Behavioural and electrophysiological changes after an intensive visual-orthographic and auditory-phonological remediation program in developmental dyslexia
Mélanie Jucla, Yves Chaix & Jean-François Démonet
11:40 - 12:00 [TS-1.3] A behavioural and ERP investigation of letter-sound processing: Is a lack of automaticity a proximal cause of dyslexia?
Hannah Nash, Charles Hulme, Genevieve McArthur, Yatin Mahajan, Debbie Gooch & Maggie Snowling
- 12:00 - 13:30
- Debate 2. The nature of the visual deficits in developmental dyslexia (Andrea Facoetti & Trichur Vidyasagar). Chair: Taeko Wydell Andrea Facoetti & Trichur Vidyasagar
- 13:30 - 15:30
[PS-1.1] The Bergen Longitudinal Dyslexia Study Turid Helland & Frøydis Morken
[PS-1.2] Effects of task complexity on neural activity in children with dyslexia Frøydis Morken, Karsten Specht & Turid Helland
[PS-1.3] Predictors of developmental dyslexia in Spanish school children: A longitudinal study Soraya Bordoy, Juan L. Luque, Jesús Alegría, Marisol Carrillo, Almudena Giménez & Miguel López-Zamora
[PS-1.4] Development of the reading network in children with high-risk on dyslexia: Results of the first wave of a longitudinal study Jolijn Vanderauwera, Maaike Vandermosten, Catherine Theys, Stefan Sunaert, Jan Wouters & Pol Ghesquière
[PS-1.5] Present and past: How the infant Mismatch Negativity can predict written language abilities in 10-year-olds Gesa Schaadt, Claudia Männel, Ann Pannekamp, Regine Oberecker, Elke van der Meer & Angela Friederici
[PS-1.6] Mechanisms behind emergent phonological skills: Effects of fluid intelligence and interrelationships between phonological subskills over time Ulrika Wolff & Jan-Eric Gustafsson
[PS-1.7] A longitudinal study on categorical and allophonic perception on dyslexic Spanish readers Juan L. Luque, Miguel López-Zamora, Soraya Bordoy & Willy Serniclaes
[PS-1.8] Frequency discrimination and dyslexia: A meta-analysis and moderator variable analysis Kate Swoboda, Caroline Witton, Joel B. Talcott & Laura Shapiro
[PS-1.9] Amplitude rise-time processing: A risk factor for dyslexia? Britt Hakvoort, Aryan van der Leij, Ben Maassen & Titia L. van Zuijen
[PS-1.10] Brain responses reflecting early processing stage of speech signal is differently related to reading measures in typically reading children and those with dyslexia Kaisa Lohvansuu, Jarmo A. Hämäläinen & Paavo H. T. Leppänen
[PS-1.11] Psychophysical staircase methods for use with dyslexia and other developmental disorders Caroline Witton & Joel B. Talcott
[PS-1.12] When adult dyslexics perform better: Evidence from comprehension and vocabulary tasks Rita W. El-Haddad, Stavros P. Hadjisolomou & Natalie A. Kacinik
[PS-1.13] Phonological task characteristics and the link with early reading: An analysis of stimulus and response-type Anna J. Cunningham, Caroline Witton, Joel B. Talcott, Adrian Burgess & Laura Shapiro
[PS-1.14] Phonological awareness and working memory as predictors of dyslexia in Arabic-speaking preschoolers in Egypt M. Caridad Arrastia-Lloyd, Amal Zayed, Alysia Roehrig & Nasra Gilgil
[PS-1.15] Lipread-induced phonetic recalibration in dyslexia Martijn Baart, Liselotte de Boer-Schellekens & Jean Vroomen
[PS-1.16] Is RAN phonological? It depends on the stimulus Rebecca Wiseheart, Heeyoung Park & Linda Lombardino
[PS-1.17] Visual and auditory search performance in dyslexic children Marie Lallier, Sophie Donnadieu & Sylviane Valdois
[PS-1.18] Temporal processing skills of children at risk of specific language impairment or dyslexia Adelina Estévez, Mercedes Muñetón & Rosario Ortíz
[PS-1.19] Visual and auditory temporal processing ability in linguistic and non-linguistic stimuli in children at risk for reading difficulties Mercedes Muñetón, Claudia Vásquez, Adelina Estevéz & Rosario Ortíz
[PS-1.20] Perceptive deficits in pre-school children at risk for dyslexia Rosario Ortíz, Carolina Dominguez, Adelina Estévez & Mercedes Muñetón
[PS-1.21] An examination of working memory processing across modalities in developmental dyslexia Jumana Ahmad, Heather Ferguson & Howard Bowman
[PS-1.22] ERP-based assessment of letter-speech sound integration in dyslexic and normally reading children Gojko Zaric, Gorka Fraga González, Jurgen Tijms, Maurits van der Molen, Leo Blomert & Milene Bonte
[PS-1.23] Evidence in favor of the sluggish attentional shifting hypothesis of dyslexia: A magnetoencephalography study in dyslexic children Nicola Molinaro, Marie Lallier, Mikel Lizarazu, Mathieu Bourguignon & Manuel Carreiras
[PS-1.24] Neurodevelopmental correlates of the rapid-automatized-naming in typical and atypical developing readers P.M. Paz-Alonso, I. Quiñones, C. Caballero, M. Oliver, M.P. Suárez-Coalla, F. Cuetos, J.A. Duñabeitia & Manuel Carreiras
[PS-1.25] Deficient letter processing in developmental dyslexia: What are the processes involved? Tânia Fernandes, Ana P. Vale, São Luís Castro, José Morais & Régine Kolinsky
[PS-1.26] The case of the sequence: Differentiating serial order from item recognition in Italian speaking children with dyslexia Wibke Maria Hachmann, Francesca Postiglione, Nathan Maurice Cashdollar & Remo Job
[PS-1.27] Attentional processing deficits in developmental dyslexia Ignacio Rebollo, Melina Aparici & Alejandro Maiche
[PS-1.28] Time estimation deficit in developmental dyslexia Azizuddin Khan
[PS-1.29] The g factor of reading development Dénes Tóth & Valéria Csépe
[PS-1.30] Letter-speech sound mapping within an artificial orthography: A comparison between dyslexic and non-dyslexic readers Sebastián Aravena & Jurgen Tijms
[PS-1.31] Poor reading children do not show an impairment in Hebb repetition learning Titia L. van Zuijen & Peter F. de Jong
[PS-1.32] Reexamining Paired Associate Learning (PAL) deficits in dyslexia Robin Litt & Kate Nation
[PS-1.33] Cognitive training effects in children with reading difficulties: A pilot study Norberto Pereira, Armanda Costa & Manuela Guerreiro
[PS-1.34] Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on reading processes: A pilot study Margherita Forgione, Patrizio Tressoldi & Daniela Mapelli
[PS-1.35] E-readers facilitate reading in dyslexia: An eye-tracking study Schneps Matthew, Thomson Jenny, Sonnert Gerhard, Pomplun Marc, Chen Chen & Amanda Heffner-Wong
[PS-1.36] Changes in voicing categorical perception in SLI children: What can auditory training teach us? Gregory Collet, Willy Serniclaes, Jacqueline Leybaert & Cécile Colin
[PS-1.37] Evaluating the evidence base for Safari dos Sons in the training of phonological awareness Leonor Ribeiro, Susana Mateus, Silvia Lapa & Catia Sacadura
[PS-1.38] Early identification of reading disabilities Hugh Catts, Diane Nielsen, Mindy Bridges, Yi-Syuan Liu & Daniel Bontempo
[PS-1.39] Development of a screening tool for early identification of Chinese preschool children at risk for reading difficulties Connie S.-H. Ho, Patcy P.-S. Yeung, Kate N.-K. Leung, David W. Chan, Kevin K. Chung, Suk-Han Lee & Suk-Man Tsang
[PS-1.40] Differences in profiles of disabled readers: Is everyone dyslexic? Elena Zaretsky & Shelley Velleman
[PS-1.41] New insights on developmental dyslexia subtypes: Heterogeneity of mixed reading profiles Rachel Zoubrinetzky & Sylviane Valdois
[PS-1.42] The DIS-ESP battery automated report: A model for the differential diagnosis of developmental dyslexia Juan L. Luque, Soraya Bordoy, Miguel López-Zamora, Almudena Giménez, Marisol Carrillo & Jesús Alegría
- 15:30 - 16:30
- Talk Session 2
15:30 - 15:50 [TS-2.1] The manifestation of visual attention span deficit in English-speakers with compensated dyslexia: A fMRI study
Taeko Wydell & Liory Fern-Pollak
15:50 - 16:10 [TS-2.2] No deficiency in left-to-right processing of words in dyslexia but evidence for enhanced visual crowding
Maaike Callens, Carol Whitney, Wim Tops & Marc Brysbaert
16:10 - 16:30 [TS-2.3] Does viotin activate violin more than viocin? On the use of visual cues during visual-word recognition
Manuel Perea & Victoria Panadero
- 16:30 - 17:00
- Coffee break
- 17:00 - 18:30
- Debate 3. Speech perception problems as a risk factor for dyslexia: Phonemic and allophonic processing perspectives (Paavo H. T. Leppänen & Willy Serniclaes). Chair: Wouter Duyck Paavo H. T. Leppänen & Willy Serniclaes
Friday, May 31st, 2013. Palacio Miramar, Donostia - San Sebastian
- 09:00 - 10:30
- Debate 4. A phonological deficit or a broader auditory deficit as a core impairment of dyslexia? (Merav Ahissar & Pol Ghesquière). Chair: Manuel Carreiras Merav Ahissar & Pol Ghesquière
- 10:30 - 11:00
- Coffee break
- 11:00 - 12:00
- Talk Session 3
11:00 - 11:20 [TS-3.1] Anchoring - a domain general factor in preschool oral and written language
Karen Banai & Rachel Yifat
11:20 - 11:40 [TS-3.2] Non-word reading and repetition predicts auditory perceptual anchoring in dyslexia
Nicholas Badcock, Louise Ewing, Kathryn Preece, Linda Jeffery, Gillian Rhodes & Genevieve McArthur
11:40 - 12:00 [TS-3.3] Dyslexia as a dis-order: The SOLID hypothesis
Louisa Bogaerts, Arnaud Szmalec, Wibke M. Hachmann, Mike P.A. Page & Wouter Duyck
- 12:00 - 13:30
- Debate 5. The phonological deficit: Cause or consequence of reading disorders? (Kate Nation & Anne Castles). Chair: Manuel Perea Anne Castles & Kate Nation
- 13:30 - 15:30
[PS-2.1] Developmental trends in reliance on lexical and sublexical reading strategies Xenia Schmalz, Eva Marinus & Anne Castles
[PS-2.2] Sensitivity to word inversion and word length provides a window into reading procedures in typical and dyslexic readers Gal Ben-Yehudah & Yael Gilutz
[PS-2.3] Effects of word concreteness and active mental imagery on working memory performance in dyslexic children Jean-François Camps, Wanda Vandekerckhove & Claudine Mélan
[PS-2.4] When does fast word recognition turn into automatic word recognition: An interference control study that combines lexical decision and the Simon task Patrick Snellings, Ilonka de Haas, Wery van den Wildenberg & Maurits van der Molen
[PS-2.5] Effects of word-length and word-frequency in dyslexic people: Evidenced through a progressive demasking word identification task Ignacio Rebollo & Laura Manoiloff
[PS-2.6] How and when do children misread similar words? Neighborhood frequency effects revisited Joana Acha
[PS-2.7] Lexical orthographic acquisition: Is handwriting better than spelling aloud? Marie-line Bosse
[PS-2.8] Orthographic learning, spelling, and reading: The write way to learn? Gene Ouellette & Talissa Tims
[PS-2.9] Parallel and serial reading processes in children Madelon van den Boer & Peter F. de Jong
[PS-2.10] The role of whole-word visual processing on orthographic acquisition: A study on dyslexics with or without visual attention span deficit Jennifer Alloix, Marie-line Bosse & Sylviane Valdois
[PS-2.11] Orthographic sensitivity and the integration of orthographic and phonological processing in adult dyslexia Dénes Tóth & Valéria Csépe
[PS-2.12] Visual cognitive disability without phonological awareness disability in Japanese speaking children with developmental dyslexia Akira Uno, Noriko Haruhara, Masato Kaneko, Noriko Awaya, Junko Kozuka & Takashi Gotoh
[PS-2.13] Visual specialization for words in dyslectic and typically reading children Gorka Fraga González, Gojko Zaric, Milene Bonte, Leo Blomert, Tijms Jurgen & Maurits van der Molen
[PS-2.14] Is reading in Russian regular? Anastasia Ulicheva & Brendan Weekes
[PS-2.15] Morphological segmentation and orthographic transparency in typical and dyslexic Hebrew readers: Evidence from brain and behavior Yael Weiss, Tami Katzir & Tali Bitan
[PS-2.16] A close relationship between orthographic representation and morphological processing: The role of orthographic opacity in processing complex words by skilled children and children with dyslexia Miguel Lázaro, Laura García & Cristina Burani
[PS-2.17] What the orthographic similarity of phonological primes can tell us about the time course of orthographic and phonological code activation in transparent languages Maaike Zeguers, Patrick Snellings, Hilde Huizenga & Maurits van der Molen
[PS-2.18] Reading and spelling errors in a case of bilingual/biliterate french-occitan child with developmental dyslexia Mélanie Jucla, Alixia Sadel & Barbara Köpke
[PS-2.19] Language profiles in children with ADHD and in children with reading disorder (RD) Wenche Andersen Helland, Maj-Britt Posserud, Turid Helland, Mikael Heimann & Astri Lundervold
[PS-2.20] Links between reading precursors and early numeracy skills in preschoolers Valentina Tobia, Paola Bonifacci & Gian Marco Marzocchi
[PS-2.21] Development of syntactic awareness of Chinese primary school children: The relative contribution of morphosyntactic skill and word-order knowledge to Chinese reading comprehension Carrey T.-S. Siu, Connie S.-H. Ho, David W. Chan, Kevin K.-H. Chung, S.-H. Lee & S.-M. Tsang
[PS-2.22] Grammatical awareness and grammatical spelling: Comparison of children with and without dyslexia Marie Van Reybroeck, Sophie Delaere, Michel Hupet & Marie-Anne Schelstraete
[PS-2.23] Phonological, morphological, and orthographic factors in spelling of children with inconsistent speech disorder Brigid McNeill & Julie Wolter
[PS-2.24] It didn't say that: Teachers' knowledge and ability to foster inference-making skills April Paor, Sandra Martin-Chang & Sabrina Tansey
[PS-2.25] The effect of parents' literacy skills and children's preliteracy skills on the risk of dyslexia Elsje van Bergen, Peter F. de Jong, Ben Maassen & Aryan van der Leij
[PS-2.26] A self-report questionnaire on reading-writing difficulties for adults in Spanish (ATLAS) Almudena Giménez, Juan L. Luque, Miguel López-Zamora & Soraya Bordoy
[PS-2.27] A comparison between classroom teachers' beliefs about spelling and their instructional practices Brigid McNeill & Cecilia Kirk
[PS-2.28] The impact of teacher competence on Individual Educational Plans for children with reading difficulties Malena Åvall, Ulrika Wolff & Ingela Andreasson
[PS-2.29] The effects of a professional development model to enhance early childhood teachers' storybook reading Jane Carroll, Gail Gillon, Brigid McNeill & Elizabeth Schaughency
[PS-2.30] Experts` perceived characteristics of reading disability in the context of Latvian orthography Madara Orlovska & Malgozata Rascevska
[PS-2.31] An intervention model based on daily monitoring progress for students in first grade: Improving reading skills beyond the tail Josep M. Sopena, Anna López-Sala, Elisabeth Gilboy, Carlos Jacas & Llorenç Andreu
[PS-2.32] Learning to read irregular and regular words: Combining artificial orthography learning methods with fMRI Jo Taylor, Kathleen Rastle & Matthew Davis
- 15:30 - 16:30
- Talk Session 4
15:30 - 15:50 [TS-4.1] The speech-in-noise comprehension deficit in dyslexia: Behavioral and cortical fingerprints
Michel Hoen, Marjorie Dole, Claire Grataloup & Fanny Meunier
15:50 - 16:10 [TS-4.2] Impaired audiovisual speech processing in dyslexia
Thomas Kaltenbacher & Peter Hummer
16:10 - 16:30 [TS-4.3] Facial speech gestures: The relation between visual speech processing and dyslexia in 10-year-olds
Gesa Schaadt, Claudia Männel, Ann Pannekamp, Regine Oberecker, Elke van der Meer & Angela Friederici
- 16:30 - 17:00
- Coffee break
- 17:00 - 18:30
- Debate 6. Are there subtypes of developmental dyslexia? (Joel B. Talcott & Sylviane Valdois). Chair: Ram Frost Joel B. Talcott & Sylviane Valdois
- 18:30 - 19:30
- Final remarks