Atrás Eventos pasados: Yee Lee Shing. Predictive processing and memory across the lifespan

Yee Lee Shing. Predictive processing and memory across the lifespan

- BCBL auditorium (and BCBL zoom room 2)

What: Predictive processing and memory across the lifespan.

Where: BCBL Auditorium and zoom room # 2 (If you would like to attend to this meeting reserve at

Who: Professor Yee Lee Shing, PhD, Department of Developmental Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

When:  Thursday,  Apr 11th at 12:00 PM noon.

Predictive processing accounts propose that the human brain operates as a prediction machine; internal models in the brain predict future states against which incoming information of new experience is compared. It is increasingly recognized that long-term memory is not only important for remembering facts and past experiences, but also serves predictive functions. However, the brain mechanisms through which memory supports predictive processing remain unclear. Furthermore, depending on the extent to which the information encountered in the environment conforms with prior expectations, prediction errors of varying degrees may arise and have cascading effects on learning and memory. Paradoxically, both match and violation between new information and prior expectation have been reported to enhance memory. In my presentation, I will present two strands of ongoing work that examine (i) the integration of incoming sensory evidence from concurrent context with mnemonic content from our past experiences; (ii) the effects of prediction error on episodic memory of new experiences. Lifespan age comparisons are made to help characterize the interplay between predictive processing and memory.