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WoRLD- From theory to practice 20th Oct. - 20th Oct.

WoRLD- From theory to practice

WoRLD - from Theory to Practice

WoRLD - from Theory to Practice is the applied part of WoRLD: Workshop on Reading, Language and Deafness, organized by the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (

The second part of the Workshop aims to provide a meeting space for researchers and stakeholders, including deaf individuals, educators, practitioners, and parents. WoRLD - from Theory to Practice will include talks by international experts followed by panel discussions to promote dialogue between invited experts and the audience. The languages for this day will be English, Spanish and LSE (Spanish Sign Language); interpretation between all three languages will be provided.

This event is the last day of WoRLD: Workshop on Reading, Language and Deafness. Registration for the last day only is available on this website. To register for the entire event (all three days), please go to the main website (

  • Caja laboral
  • Frontiers
  • Gobierno Vasco

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