PS_3.062 - The Fast and the Inhibitory 2x3

Damas-Lopez, J. & Garcia-Orza, J.

Faculty of Psychology. Universidad de Málaga

Previous studies have shown faster responses naming Arabic digits primed with congruent multiplications (e.g., prime: 2x3=, target: 6) as compared with unrelated ones (e.g., prime: 4x8=, target: 6) using a masked priming paradigm (SOA = 50 ms). However, it is unclear whether this priming effect is a facilitatory process given by congruent multiplications or an inhibitory process given by incongruent ones, as well as the temporal course of this effect. In the present experiment we use the same paradigm, but including a neutral condition (e.g., prime: XxX=, target: 6), and also manipulating SOA (50 vs. 120 ms). The ANOVA showed an interaction between type of prime and SOA, showing longer response times for incongruent primes compared to congruent and neutral ones using the shortest SOA, but no differences regarding prime using the longest SOA. A visibility task ensured that participants were unaware of the primes. Results therefore suggest that multiplication priming is an inhibitory early effect.