PS_3.061 - Are operands’ quantity representation automatically accessed during multiplication solving? Evidence from size congruity effects?

Estudillo Hidalgo, A. J. 1 , García-Orza, J. 2 & Damas-López, J. 2

1 University of Edinburgh
2 Universidad de Málaga

Some models assume that operands’ magnitude representations are activated during multiplication solving (McCloskey, 1992). Further models assume that multiplications are solved using verbal codes (Dehaene, 1992). In this research, the role of operands’ magnitude representations in multiplication problems was explored. To accomplish this we manipulated the size congruity effect. The physical and numerical magnitude of the operands within each problem was either congruent (the biggest numerical magnitude appears in bigger size), or incongruent (the smallest numerical magnitude appears in bigger size) or neutral (same physical size). Problem-size and order of the operands (8x9 vs. 9x8) were also manipulated. In our first experiment a verification task (e.g.: are the following problems correct?) was carried out. In the second experiment we employed a production task (e.g.: say the results of the following problems). Results showed longer response times in the incongruent condition than in the congruent conditions in both experiments. Although main effects of problem-size were also found, no interactions were observed between size congruity and the rest of variables. Operands’ magnitude representations are automatically activated even in the context of multiplication problems, however, the lack of interaction suggests that this activation is not related to the multiplication solving process.