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WoRLD- From theory to practice 20th Oct. - 20th Oct.


WoRLD - From theory to practice

Saturday, 20th October, 2018


08:45-09:00 Registration


09:00-09:15  Welcome by Manuel Carreiras, BCBL Director


09:15-11:15 Panel discussion #1: Spoken language: what do we know, what do we need to know? Moderator: Marcel Giezen


11:15-11:45 Coffee break


11:45-13:45 Panel discussion #2: Reading: what do we know, what do we need to know? Moderator: Manuel Carreiras


13:45-15:15 Lunch Break


15:15-17:15 Panel discussion #3: Sign language: what do we know, what do we need to know? Moderator: Brendan Costello


17:15-18:00 Discussion between experts, stakeholders and audience

  • Caja laboral
  • Frontiers
  • Gobierno Vasco

©2010 BCBL. Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language. All rights reserved. Tel: +34 943 309 300 | Fax: +34 943 309 052